iNaturalist App

iNaturalist App

Explore and Connect with Nature

The iNaturalist App is a social platform which uses the principles of citizen science to survey biodiverse species from nature, update distribution maps, and build enthusiasm for nature conservation amongst ordinary people. . Its primary goal is to generate scientifically valuable biodiversity data from a broad range of personal encounters by amateurs and scientists.

What do you need to get involved?

A smart phone with a camera.

Access to data to download and install the App.

Access to data to upload photographs.

A willingness to explore outside.

How does the App work? 

Download the app in Playstore on your mobile device. 

Get outside and observe! Now you can find something in nature that you’d like to identify. 

Take a clear, full-frame photo of the nature item. 

Share your observation with the iNaturalist community. 

Go back to the item that you identified and search for comments and identifications regarding your observation. You will learn the name and more information about this item. 

In this way, you have not only learnt something new but you are contributing to the world of Science.

Did you know… Research Grade observations are shared with scientists working to better understand and protect nature. 

Not only can this App help you to identify plants and animals found in nature, but it also ensures that you learn about other identified species in and around your area or location. 

Get connected with a community of over 400 000 scientists and nature lovers who can help you to learn about the world of wonder around you. By recording and sharing your own personal observations, you create research-quality data not only for other like-minded naturalists but for scientists working together to better understand and protect nature. 

iNaturalist is a joint initiative by the California Academy of Science and the National Geographic Society. 

The City Nature Challenge is an example of a dedicated, international campaign to collect observations of wild plants, animals and fungi using the iNaturalist App.  Cape Town, Overberg Region and many other participated in 2022, using the opportunity to encourage people to go outside, explore and log their observations between 20 April - 9 May. Campaigns like this generate excitement and momentum and, at the same time, contribute to science. The iNaturalist Application was created to easily identify plants in nature. The app is fun to use, making learning accessible for all.

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